Favorite Recipes® Press and The Cookbook Marketplace are excited to announce their COOKBOOK TREASURE CHEST HUNT!
There are 5 cookbooks in the hidden Treasure Chest. These cookbooks are just a small part of our unique collection of titles from all across the USA. You'll have a delightful time hunting these little jewels down, and for the first 3 Pinterest Pinners to respond correctly, the entire Treasure Chest of Cookbooks will be sent to them free ... retail value over $135.00!
Simply go to our store at www.cookbookmarketplace.com and HUNT for the 5 Cookbook Treasures with the HINTS given below. ( here's a little tip - downloading a catalog might be of some help! )
Follow Us On Pinterest at FavoriteRecipesPress
Create a Board on your Pinterest Wall Entitled "Cookbook Treasures". Pin each title you find, along with it's description from our website, and then send an email notice as soon as you have collected all 5 titles onto your Pinterest Board. (Note: You can easily add the book's description simply by highlighting the text on the book main page before you hit the PinIt button. The text will ride through with the cover graphic over to your board. Don't worry if all the text doesn't fit.)
Create a Board on your Pinterest Wall Entitled "Cookbook Treasures". Pin each title you find, along with it's description from our website, and then send an email notice as soon as you have collected all 5 titles onto your Pinterest Board. (Note: You can easily add the book's description simply by highlighting the text on the book main page before you hit the PinIt button. The text will ride through with the cover graphic over to your board. Don't worry if all the text doesn't fit.)
Once you have built your "Cookbook Treasures" Pinterest Board, send an email notice with the link back to your board to: apritchard@frpbooks.com. The first 3 Pinners to respond correctly will win a complete set of the cookbooks contained in the Treasure Chest, so time is of the essence!
The Cookbooks in the Treasure Chest will be sent absolutely FREE - $135.00 value.
No obligation required-No purchase necessary-No shipping expense involved!
Have fun... happy hunting ... and may the Main Course Be With You!
- A Bowl of COTTON for COOKING
- It's CHRISTMAS - Santa Baby Rest Your Feet For A While
- Martini: Make a TOAST with Avocado, Mango and a Twist of Lime
- A Golden Opportunity From a HONEY Comb
**** OUR 2ND WINNER THIS MORNING! We've just awarded our second set of cookbooks to Gus ... one more set to go! Keep Digging.... ******** JUST HAD OUR FIRST WINNER! Congratulations Donna in Evansville, IN! The books are on their way. :D Attention All Pinners: Two more sets to be won! ****
*** WE HAVE OUR 3rd AND FINAL WINNER TODAY! Thanks Chris for joining in the "dig". Appreciate all who participated in this contest. Stay tuned for more fun to come! ***
Contest ends 7-31-12.
Must be 18 years or older.
Must reside in the continental USA to participate.
Employees of Favorite Recipes Press, or it's associated companies, are not eligible to participate.
Pinterest: FavoriteRecipesPress
Facebook: Favorite Recipes Press
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Donna in Evansville, IN!
The books are on their way. :D
Pinterest Alert: 2 more sets to be won!
Thank you very much. I can't wait to get them!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Gus our 2nd winner for the Cookbook Treasure Hunt Collection! One more set to go, so keep digging!