OK - putting up a BLOG is my next step in working on Internet Marketing. This will be a combination of WORK and PLAY - since cooking is so much FUN and just happens to be associated with the product I WORK with! (how groovy is that?)
So, I'll be sharing info I find about selling books online, offering discounts on cookbooks we sell at our Website Store and other personal projects that I've got going on around the house.
I'll share some of my favorite recipes out of the newest titles we are working with. I hope my publishing clients will feel free to also post up some of their favorite recipes out of their books so this becomes a point of great FOOD IDEAS and recipes.
So, sit back, grab a cup of tea (which I'm a major loose-hot-tea lover) or a cup of java, which ever you prefer, and let's get to know one another!
Have a Delicious Day and a Fab Weekend....
Love that pound cake!